Traditional Literature: Tales Our Abuelitas Told and Trickster
Tales Our Abuelitas Told, F. Isabel Campoy and Alma Flor Ada, illustrated by Felipe Davalos, Vivi Escriva, Susan Guevara, and Leyla Torres. A theneum Books for Young Readers, Sept 2006. 128 pages, $19.99, 9780689825835. Tales Our Abuelitas Told is a collection of twelve Hispanic folktales whose origins span the globe and have many roots connected to Indigenous, African, Arabic, Hebrew, and Spanish cultures. The author includes stories they heard, told, or discovered. The “Welcome” section provides a historical context to the collection and introduces the importance of cultural heritage. Campoy and Ada talk about the connections between Latin America, Spain, other European countries, and Africa causing stories to be shared and altered throughout the generations. This section also introduces the format for the collection. “After each story, we tell you a little about its origin—and in some cases about our relationship with the story—so that you may learn a...